I Want A WordPress Family!

Ok, I really like memes and dream of having a whole conversation using only them. I’m not sure how or even if it would work, but I think it would be hella nerdy cool! With that said, I cant really get into Instagram. I have way to much to say to really get into Twitter either. I can come up with nice one-liners…but then I’d want you to respond so you can understand exactly where I’m coming from. I hate to be misunderstood! I do love Facebook, however. The way it allows us to connect and reconnect with people has allowed me to promote some great birthday parties, get informed on a bunch of peoples business I shouldn’t know about, see some utter bullshit in a myriad of genres, and reunite me with a great love. But, this WordPress world is nothing short of awesome to me…at least for now! I’m so new to it that I fear I’ll encounter some ambiguities, but for now drift away with me and allow me to be the foolish dreamer I am. Now, these things may already exist (outside of my head), so forgive my naivety! 😉

Here at the WordPress actual meet and greet, the banquet hall was full of my followers and their followers. (Yeah, I know this can realistically be an enormous hall, but just work with my nerdy vision for a sec; please and thanks! …lol) We could share our stories on what inspired us to become bloggers and have awards for certain categories. We’d get to hold conversations and meet the people we’ve heard about in each others blogs, have a few drinks, and all leave with great fodder for future posts!

In our travels, we can visit different cities and countries and have instant tour guides. Trust me…if anyone decides to visit Chicago, you’ll want to hit me up for safe passage ways throughout the city. Chi-Raq is as advertised! I have some nice stamps on my passport and it would have been great to have had some insider knowledge on those places prior to my visits.

Lastly…I obviously have a good imagination and I’ve already put voices, accents, and cadences to the few followers I have and the blogs I’ve read. You all are probably nothing like the characters floating around my head and I’d love to see how far off I really am. lol…

All in all… I’m super excited to have entered into this world of blogging. I use to be a hip hop artist with dreams of recording and performing on huge stages but the birth of my daughter made giving it up bittersweet! Blogging has now reignited the flame to create and It’s given a me a lane to do something I love!!! So, in the words of EPMD… “Please listen to my demo…,” and help me form my WordPress family……. nerdy vision optional!

Peace…. E.N.T.


  1. Becky · February 18, 2016

    Just to let you know, I have had full blown conversations on Facebook using nothing but GIFs and Memes so it is entirely possible if you are conversing with the right person.


    • Alvernon · February 18, 2016

      Awesome!!! Love it!!! I bet it was so much fun…like speaking a language only you two knew!!! …officially on my bucket list now… 😉

      Liked by 1 person

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