The Duality of Al…

W’sup people…A lot of folks call me Cool Ass Al… And hello world…my name is Alvernon! Cool Al has close to 800 friends on Facebook. A lot of those friends have significantly more friends than that. Alvernon actually communicates with perhaps only a hundred or so of those “friends!” Chances are, he has been “real” friends with them before Facebook was invented, he has their actual contact information already, or he is at lease a person or two away from obtaining it. We both are very competitive!!! 😉 Ironically, that same competitiveness has sometimes shied Alvernon away from actual competition because of the heightened emotion of it all. But, Cool Al loves a good challenge!!! Alvernon is a pretty private person! But, Cool Al will share our life story to anyone willing to listen. We both love to write, but Cool Al doesn’t read often. He draws his inspiration from entertainment and worldly things. When Alvernon isn’t too busy, he loves to read and gets inspired by some of the weirdest shit! We’re both too loyal of a friend to divulge others personal information even if it pertains to our own life, and we’ll protect the integrity of others as we do our own. However, if a great story can come from us talking about them, it’s much harder for Cool Al to object!!! …everybody has to play the bad guy at some point, right!!!??? 😉 Alvernon, on the other hand is quite diciplined, anal, very organized, and very mental! Cool Al can get tired, unrested, lazy and needing sleep because Alvernon has spent so much of our time anally thinking about something that had to be done in an organized and disciplined fashion!!! …….which all brings this to a point!

I started this blog after taking a look at myself and embracing all things Cool Ass Al, as well as all things Alvernon! I can be quite the normal/common, everyday guy that drinks beer and watches sports one minute, then switch to a wine swigging, rom/com loving, foodie with a penchant for great dialog and obscure storylines. Yep, I often surprise people when they begin to peel back the layers. I had/have this vision of inspiring others to embrace the layers of themselves as well. However, I then found myself over thinking ideas of blog posts and it was causing me writers blocks and unnecessary use of brain power…relax Cool Al!!! At the same time, It led me to check out other blogs, comment on theirs (…that whole reading inspiring Alvernon to write type of thingy), and even gain a few followers. This made my heart smile so thank you Noor, Stephanie, Allaya, Opinionated Man, and A Life Less Ordinary…(the first bloggers to follow me) and special mention to Robert Okaji for his “Katharsis” post. You guys have added fuel to my fire to read (and write), to overcome the fears I want to inspire others to do….and to Embrace my Nerdy Things…. because i am “one” Cool Ass Nerd!!!

Peace… E.N.T.


  1. Pingback: My Article Read (2-14-2016) – My Daily Musing
  2. Noor Elhayat · February 18, 2016

    Wow! The truth made simple!
    I do believe that there are layers to each person we encounter, either online or in life. Some people can bring about that depth in them. They feel at peace with it. Then at peace displaying it to the world. Some others, remain detached from it. Afraid of losing others if they ever do. They eventually lose themselves, and “may be” and only superficially win other people. But what’s the point!


    • Alvernon · February 18, 2016

      …additional truths, Noor! Unfortunately, it is more the norm that ppl detach or ignore their layers creating a world superficial zombies…looking for superficial wins… or brains! Lol…

      Liked by 1 person

  3. virgobeauty · March 18, 2016

    I feel your cool breeze..Both of you. Love your writing style as well. It feels like a family, relaxed convo.


    • Alvernon · March 18, 2016

      AwweShucks… thanks buddy! I do write a lot like I converse so consider yourself part of my official WordPress Family!!! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • virgobeauty · March 18, 2016

        Great to meet you Fam. Keep up that marvelous writing. Your most recent Venus piece still has me in awe. Love it.


      • Alvernon · March 18, 2016

        Lol… I was JUST wondering if you read that one!!! Gratitude!!! 🙂 Next blog…it’s only right I take a trip to Mars!!! #MansPlanet

        Liked by 1 person

      • virgobeauty · March 18, 2016

        Can’t wait to read it…I know it will be fire.

        Liked by 1 person

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